Monthly Mission Spotlight

Monthly Mission Spotlight




Thank you for your support! “All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need.” Acts 2:44–45

Thank you for answering Christ’s call with your financial support for the larger church!

Your contributions, given without restrictions, support the overall mission and ministry of your presbytery, your synod, and the General Assembly Mission Council as these dollars go where they are needed. Support of this type funds a significant portion of the budget of your presbytery and synod and is vital to the General Assembly Mission Council.

Shared Mission Dollars at Work Through the General Assembly Mission Council Your Shared Mission dollars allocated to the General Assembly Mission Council inspire, equip, and connect Presbyterians in these and many other ways.

Shared Mission Dollars help to develop leaders for the whole church by:

• Providing training events for New Church Development pastors, leadership teams, and coaches

• Working to identify and build leaders of every race and gender

• Providing resources for training in biblical interpretation for all ages

• Translating educational and liturgical materials into Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, and Braille.


With multiple wars impacting hundreds of thousands of military personnel, our military chaplains have never been needed more. Your Shared Mission dollars support the training of and care for Presbyterian chaplains serving in the armed forces around the world.


Planting new churches (and other communities of faith) and tending to their growth are ways we all help grow Christ’s church deep and wide. In 2010, your Shared Mission dollars helped train nearly 400 Presbyterians for the work of new church development and church transformation.

Shared Mission Dollars enable the whole church to embrace a global perspective by:

• Recruiting, training, and sending out mission personnel to work with partner churches around the globe

• Connecting U.S. Presbyterians with global partners and mission personnel through mission networks

• Equipping congregations and individual Presbyterians for more effective mission service