Sunday at 10:00 am in the sanctuary and digitally.
Here is the link to download this week's bulletin:
Digital ways to participate
- Zoom. https://bit.ly/2ANH4B3
- Password: 255079
Dial in: +1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 570 278 3296
One tap mobile: +16465588656,,5702783296# - Facebook: Live Stream or watch later (you don't need to have a Facebook account to access this) https://www.facebook.com/FirstPresbyterianChurchOfMontrosePA
- YouTube. Later in the day, the video will be available on our YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1zGMVqQU_91elInQYkjfaA
Sunday Volunteers
Date | Liturgists | Zoom Hosts | Greeters | Fellowship Hour Hosts |
1/5 |
Ann Jennings | Nick Robinson | Doug Overfield | |
1/12 | Doug Overfield | Nick Robinson | Doug Overfield | |
1/19 | Chris Robinson | Nick Robinson | Doug Overfield | |
1/26 | Sue Kipar | Nick Robinson | Doug Overfield | |
Worship Committee
Glenda Ely, - Co-chair
Timothy Masters
Martha Denkenberger
Chris Caterson
Chris Robinson
Linda Gardner