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Tre Hab Feed-a-Friend

Susquehanna County TREHAB Feed A Friend 2023

2023 WNEP/Trehab 39TH Annual Feed A Friend Thanksgiving Program

Last year, with your help of donations, the Feed-A-Friends program provided “turkey and all the trimmings” to 701 families, elderly and homebound (2,349 individuals) in Susquehanna County.


The Churches of Susquehanna County have been long time supporters of this program.   If you are able to consider giving a donations, you can ear mark it Feed A Friend Program or mail donation directly to   Trehab Feed A Friend, PO Box 366, Montrose, PA  18801


Thank you to those who have already sent in your donations to help with Feed A Friend.  It is not too late if you would still like to help with this need.  Your donation can either be direct to Trehab or made out to the church and ear marked Feed A Friend. 


If you know of anyone in need of a dinner or Food Bank Services, please have them call Trehab at 1-800-824045, ext. 5269 or Montrose Food Bank at 570-278-5269 or Susquehanna/Oakland Food Bank. At 570-853-1109.